Yet Again. . .

Here I am playing 'catch-up'. I want to be a good blogger. . .I do. Maybe I'll make it a New Years Resolution for this year. But if I do that, am I bound to fail at it? Ha! Anyhow, this has to count for something, right?

Here's what you get when the boys want to play outside, but it's raining. Cohen was really cute out there with that huge umbrella.

"Look Mom, I'm a dalmation!" - Cohen Haddock

Ha! This was fun. I took my boys and the neighbors Braydon and T.J. to the park one day when I was watching them while their parents went to a funeral. I sat down to read my book, and the next thing I know, they are splashing their Light Sabers in the one tiny little mud puddle and getting each other all muddy!! Ha! One would lean over the puddle and the other one would splash. Ah, to be a kid again. It wouldn't have been a big deal, except for their parents were coming to pick them up to take them to the cemetery part of the whole thing, and they needed to look presentable, right? So we had to come home and stick 4 muddy little boys in the shower real quick so they would be clean in time!

Here's Evan and Papa with the Antelope he shot in Wyoming at the end of September, 2009.

And Jared and Cohen with 'Therm II". . .I guess not really because this one didn't get mounted and placed on my basement wall. . .thank goodness!!


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