Christmas 2009

A few weeks before Christmas was our ward Christmas breakfast, and Santa came to visit. Cohen asked for 'a truck, a scope, and lots of awesome toys.'

On Christmas Eve, Julie and Melissa came over, and we were supposed to go with my parents over to a retirement home and take some treats. . .but thats another story. Ha! No good cheer spread by us on Christmas Eve, but we did wrap some presents and we had fun waiting for mom and dad all night. Oh well, we had good intentions.

After they all left, we lit a fire and read some Christmas stories. Here are the boys watching the fire. Perfect.
Then we continued a tradition that comes from Jareds family, that we all open a present or two, typically the ones from us to each other. Cohen had been waiting for weeks to open the present from Uncle Davids family (it was the only present under the tree for a long time, so he was really anxious to open it!), which was a package of 'Zubbles' which are high-tech bubbles that are awesome. They are colored, and the package swears that the dye washes out of anything, but we're going to wait until spring to use them!! We did a few outside on the back porch, but now they are safely hidden away until warmer weather!!

Evan opened the doggy from Cohen, and he loved it, and continues to love it!! He really has attached himself to it, and likes to cuddle with his puppy at night. This is Christmas Eve night, right after he got it, sleeping soundly with his arms wrapped around that new puppy.

I don't know how we made it through the morning without taking any pictures INSIDE the house. . .duh. . .but here are a few of the boys in their awesome new Jeep Power Wheels (are they brats now? Who didn't want a Power Wheels when they were a kid? And we were all jealous of the kids who had them, weren't we?!!).

Evan got behind the wheel and basically drove around it circles, he's still getting the hang of steering, but Cohen was so funny trying to get on with that Jeep going!! And Evan took full advantage of having the upper hand and didn't let up on the gas at all! It was hilarious!!

We waited until the Monday after Christmas to do our traditional Nativity at moms house because we wanted to wait for Chantelle's family, and they didn't come into town until after Christmas. Here's Evan being an Angel with Hailey. He was really cute, leading all of the singing, just like any good angel would, right?!
. . .And the whole cast. Cohen was one of the 3 Wise Men.
New Years Eve we all got together at my moms for another party. We basically kept it up the whole week!! We're getting old, because by 10:30 all of the adults were ready to go to bed, but we didn't want to be party poopers! We made it all the way to midnight, and blew horns and wore hats and stomped on balloons and bubble wrap and made a good ruckus for about 5 minutes, then shoved the kids out the door and into the truck so we could get home and go to bed!!! We were home by 12:20!!!! We're so old!!!!

Here's my niece Hannah partying it up!!
Me and Julie. And no, we weren't drinking. . .well I know I wasn't, I can't speak for Julie!!
And cute little Evan. He was in a good mood all night long. What a party animal!!

1 Comment:

  1. The Wiser Side said...
    Yay! you are caught up-love them on that power wheels!

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