Pregnancy. . .Oh the Joy!!!

So, I've been meaning to do this post for a long time, so that I have a record and can remember what this pregnancy was like. I guess it will also include what I remember from the first 2, because I didn't keep a record of either of those, and I find myself wanting to remember!!!

I was so exhausted my 1st trimester this time around. I don't remember being so tired with the other 2, but I guess with Cohen I was working, so I had a distraction, and with Evan I'm pretty sure I took 2 naps a day still, because I could!!!! This time around, I would wake up in the morning, and immediately start counting the hours until Evans nap time. I just needed MORE SLEEP!!! Nap time would roll around, I'd stick Cohen downstairs for TV-time, and I'd go sleep for 2 hours. Then Evan would wake up, and wake me up, and I'd feel worse than I did when I laid down!!! What?!! It was aweful!! I know I've got it pretty good that I only get tired, and not pukey, but I could honestly not believe the level of exhaustion! And then, miraculously, along rolls week 13 and I start to feel better. I woke up one morning an thought, 'I don't feel like I need a nap today.' It was AMAZING!!

After having gained 45 lbs with Evan, and then feeling the repercussions of having to LOSE it, I promised myself that the next time around I would eat better and exercise. Well, I've eaten. . .better? Do the holidays count? And I've exercised. HA! Sort of. I walk on the treadmill maybe once a week since my 2nd trimester, but that's better than nothing, right? I'm 28 weeks now, and I've gained about 25 lbs already, so I'm pretty sure I won't just gain 30. . .but I'm hoping for something between 35-40. I gained 35 with Cohen so we'll see how this one turns out.

And in the last few weeks, my hip joints have started to, what shall we call it? Relax? Loosen? Spread? Whatever. I'm OK most of the day, but when I get out of bed, I can hardly walk!! Oh my hips!!! This happens every pregnancy, and turns me into a 'waddler'. I used to be naive and think that pregnant women waddled because they had gained so much weight. Nope. It's because our dang hips 'relax' and walking is just less painful when we waddle!!!!

OK, here's the crazy part. I've always been one of these women who thinks that women who birth their babies naturally are a bit crazy. Why wouldn't you get an epidural if it were available to you? I just didn't get it. But. . .

I've decided to birth this baby naturally. Don't ask me why. I can't tell you. I think I'm crazy 1/2 the time, but for some reason, I'm feeling a strong pull towards it. Cohen, my 1st, was only an 8 hour labor, and I was induced with Evan and that labor was only 4 hours. I know I can do it. Ha! I say that now, right?!

I'm back to seeing Nancy Mooy, who delivered Evan. She moved down to LDS hospital over a year ago, and since I'm lazy, I had just decided to see an OB here at the Lakeview clinic. Why drive 20 minutes to all my Dr.'s appointments, and to have the baby, when I could drive 5 minutes? Well, once I really made the decision to have a natural birth, I decided that I would want a good midwife to help me labor rather than hoping for a good nurse and maybe getting a crappy one, right? I've only been to 1 appointment with her, but I felt so much better afterwards. Just knowing that I'll have that support made a lot of my fears go away.

So, check back in 3 months and I'll let you know it goes!! What am I in for?!!! AHHHHH!!!!


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