Halloween 2009

This year for Halloween, Cohen was Batman and Evan was Robin. Cohen likes to play a few games on the Wii (he's actually really good at a few of them, it starts so early!!) and the character he always plays is Batman. So I figured that was an easy and obvious choice for a Halloween costume, and I wouldn't have to stress over finding something creative and cute only to procrastinate the whole thing into never happening, right?! And then that made Evans costume easy, he'd just be Robin and I could call it done!! So I ordered some costumes off of Ebay, and they were supposed to be here a few days before Halloween. Cohen's Joy School class had a Halloween party a little early on the 22nd, and the costumes hadn't shown up by then so that morning I was stressing about what to do. I told Cohen that he'd just have to be a cowboy for the party, but he was having NONE of that!!! Then I came up with a brilliant idea and just put some black clothes on him, and cut an awesome mask out of construction paper, tied some string to it, and ta-da!!! A batman costume!!! He didn't know the difference, which made me wonder why I had paid for the real one!!! Oh well.

So, this is a picture of Cohen and the 2 other boys in his Joy School class. T.J. is a ninja and Big Evan is a skeleton. They did a costume parade, sang some Halloween songs ('I'm a mean old witch with a hat'), and served sugar cookies to their guests. It was a lot of fun.
Then the real costumes came in the mail, and we went to our neighborhood Halloween Carnival. A few ladies organize it, and then everybody pitches in, so it's not a lot of work for anybody, and it's a lot of fun!!! Cohen loved his muscle-filled Batman costume, but Evan would not wear his. It was freezing outside, so that turned out to be OK, all of the kids ended up wrapped up in their parents coats!!! Here they are eating donuts off a string. Evan's got the right idea!!
We went to Blanding to see our Rich & Wendy, and Alan & Camille and their families. Richard had a big old pile of yard clippings from the whole summer, so we had a 'little' bonfire. . .yea. . .it was pretty awesome!! You would think it would burn the whole field down, but it stayed right where it was supposed to!

Here he is folks: The Batman

And the only decent picture of Evan, of course eating candy. At least he wore most of his costume to go Trick-or-Treating!! I think there were some threats on his life made in order to get him to wear it, but I'd spent real money on that thing!!!

Here's Cohen and Toby, the dragon, his favorite cousin, who is just 5 months older than he is. They had so much fun together.

Brigham the 'Boo-boo Ghost', Jared as Harry Potter and Emma as Hermione. Notice the books she's carrying. Alan and Camille made them, and they say "Charms" and "Hogwarts, A History".

And here are the two amazing Alan creations for the year. . .Elijah as the Headless Spectre (a guy carrying his own head), and Ammon, who's only 1/2 in the picture, sorry, as an Alien Abduction (fake legs in front, and a fake alien head in back make it look like he's being carried away by an alien) . Alan spent weeks creating these costumes, and as amazing as they are, they made it hard for all 10 kids we had with us to charge up people's stairs and knock on the door!!

We had a lot of fun, and Jared got to go 4-wheeling with Richard all day on Saturday, so now, we have 4-wheelers in our future. . .


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