This morning I'm getting ready, and Cohen, right out of bed, comes in and says "Mom, I need to tell you something."  OK. . . "Will you get me a computer for my bedroom?"  What?!  I say "No, you're not old enough for that."  C - "Ok, will you get me one when I'm 6?"  By now I'm just chuckling. . ."No, we have a computer for our family, we don't all get our own.  C - "PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAASE?" 

Really?  A computer in your bedroom at 5 years old?  I don't know where he comes up with this stuff. 

And then, later, when we're eating breakfast, I'm talking to the boys about what they will be learning about at PreSchool.  They have Show-And-Tell every Tuesday, and every week is a new topic, so the rule now is that you bring something to Show-&-Tell that actually has something to do with the subject rather than the same toy over and over and over, which is what was happening from my house at least!  This week they are learning about our Country and Presidents, because it was Presidents Day yesterday.  I ask if he knows what country we live in.  "Yep, Woods Cross."  Well, he's got the idea, but nope, that's not our country.  I ask if he's ever heard of the United States of America, or the USA?  Nope.  Have you heard of Mexico?  Nope.  I knew he'd heard of China because I have threatened to send him there, and have also warned him not to call there when he's playing on my phone.  Anyhow I say, 'But you've heard of China?'  Yep!  Yay!  I haven't taught him NOTHING, right?  and he says "I know how they talk in China."  How's that?  "Oo-ya-ka.  And they say Oh-yee-sa-ha." 

There you have it.  Cohen is bilingual.  Isn't TV great for educating your children?! 


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