Cohen turned 5 last week!!!  Can you believe it?  FIVE!!!!!!!  He'll go to kindergarten in the fall, and before you know it he'll be leaving me forever. . .my baby, gone!!!  WAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

I had all sorts of grand ideas for this Batman/Superhero party, but Baby Will was super sick last week and wanted to be held every waking moment so most of these grand ideas got simplified and simplified until they were. . .well. . .actually just right.  Perfect! 

We started with a game of 'Pin the Bat-a-Rang on the Joker'.  Cohen wanted Bat-a-Rangs somehow.  This is what I came up with.  Brilliant, I know. 

As soon as that game was over, we discovered a note written by the BAD GUYS!!!!!  AAAAHHHH!!!

I led them on a picture scavenger hunt (because most of them can't read yet, I just drew pictures of the clues) that ended here:

 Oh yes, I created a Batcave. . .right in my own garage. . .you opened that door with the awesome hand-crafted sign on it and were led right into 'the cave'.  I set up our large tent in the garage.  Perfect, yes. 

 You'll notice in the picture above, pictures of 'BAD GUYS' taped to all of the balloons inside of the Batcave. . .Well, they had to STOMP out the bad guys in lieu of beating them up.  Clever, right?  (This was one of those things that was going to be more elaborate. . .I had plans to make a pinata decorated like some bad guy or other that they could take turns smacking, like beating up the bad guy, get it?  This was SOOOO much easier!!) 

So here they are stomping out those bad guys.  Thank you TJ for making the appropriate face to accompany this photo. 

 Hidden deep within the cave, under an inconspicuous cardboard box. . .
 THE CAKE!!!  
(Another thing that was going to be elaborate that ended up being easy.  Thank goodness!!  What was I thinking?  It just gets eaten!!!!)

They rescued it from the hands of evil that had confiscated it for evil-doing, so that we could, yep - eat it. 

 I even made myself a Super-Hero mask and wore Evans cape.  I was Super-Mom!!!  Dun-dun-dun.

 It looks like you need to take a really really big breath to blow out all of those candles!!!!

 Yea, we had something like 14 kids at this party. . .never again. . .

 Then we unwrapped presents.  I forgot to take a picture of him at the end with ALL the loot, so here's just a few. 
He was so excited to get his first box of LEGO's from Connor.

 Bad picture of Cohen, but here's the awesome Iron-Man dude he got.

 Yummy Cake!

   Baby Will. . .getting ready for his 1st birthday in about 6 more weeks. . .practicing with Cohens  cake!

 After cake we played games and let the kids just go crazy in the AWESOME Bat-Cave.  I think everybody left happy.  Success. 


  1. Katri said...
    Yeah, 14 kids sounds like a lot. I read somewhere that the best number to invite is the same as the age of your child (ie: if he turns 5, invite 5 friends).

    Looks like they all had fun, though. No donuts?
    Natalie said...
    Katri, it went something like this. . .I felt obligated to invite ALL of the boys they go to pre-school with (that's 7 boys counting Cohen and Evan. There are no girls in the group, it just happened that way) (that's also where I went wrong - feeling OBLIGATED!!!! Don't do it!).
    Then I had to invite Connor, the boy across the street who is in Kindergarten but one of Cohens best friends.
    Then I felt like I had to invite Braydon, across the street the other direction, in 1st grade, and older brother to T.J., one of the boys already coming.
    Then I wanted to invite Janessa, Cohens true love. Her mom is one of my best friends and Cohen is already committed to her. Just ask him. But Janessa is a bit of a girly-girl so I wanted to invite another girl so that she wouldn't feel too overrun, and have another girl to hang out with, so I invited a girl in the neighborhood.

    Well, the party started, and TJ and Braydon's mom sent their 2 year old brother along. Jody and I are good friends and watch each others kids a TON, and it wasn't worth sending Kye back home because, really, we were already overrun, right?

    Connor got here and mentioned that his little brother Garrett wanted to come, but his mother at least didn't send him because his name wasn't on the invitation, but by that point, I called and told her to send him over. Garrett is here a ton, but is closer to Evans age, not Cohen.

    How many is that? Luckily I talked Connor and Garretts older sisters into 'babysitting' the baby for a dollar each. Oh, and my friend Jessie (Janessa's mom) came to help with the party, but she also has a 2 year old to throw in the mix.

    Like I said. . .NEVER AGAIN!!!

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