Last Sunday, the Sister Missionaries were teaching Sharing Time for Primary. They were talking about how if we are righteous, we can go live with Jesus after we die. Cohen blurts out, "I don't want to live with Jesus! I already have a family, can't I just live with them?!"

He has a point. . .so they go on to explain how we can live with Jesus AND our families after we die. Our mom and dad, our brothers and our sisters, and he busts out again, "But I don't have any sisters. Well, I have two brothers and a sister that is coming soon."

What?! So, now all of the primary teachers are wondering if we are already having another baby, and if we are, then just how far along am I that we already know it's a girl. . .

Apparently he had them rolling in the aisles because we heard about it from about 6 different people!!

Let me just clear things up though, we are NOT having another baby yet. Cohen did have a dream about a sister, she had brown hair just like him and Evan and Mommy and Daddy, and he's certain that's what's next. I'll take his word for it, because that would make me really happy. . .but let me recover from the last one a bit first please!!!!

1 Comment:

  1. The AngelArk said...
    hehehe Cohen sounds like quite the little trouble maker. :) I hope the dream does come true!

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