A Ruptured Eardrum. . .

So, last Friday, after Evan got out of the shower he was whining and pointing to his ears, so I got out a Q-tip and very carefully tried to get the water out of his ears. I then did a very stupid thing and let him play with the Q-tip. Cohen has played with one a million times, what would go wrong this time, right?! Well, a few minutes later he starts screaming. A hurt scream. Not a typical 'I'm ornery and complaining' scream. An 'I'm actually hurt' scream. So pick him up and try to calm him for a few minutes, then I see that there is blood on the Q-tip. Oh crap. Then I notice his right ear is bleeding. Not a good sight. Your 2 year old bleeding out of his ear. What have I done?!!!!

He cries himself to sleep, and I call my brother David, who is an audiologist, to see if I should take him to the doctor or even to Urgent-Care. He says to take him to the doctor as soon as I can, but I don't need to go to the ER, thank goodness.

After the doctor examines him, she tells me that he's ruptured his eardrum!!! With a Q-tip!!! Luckily it wasn't bad, and she just told me to not bathe his head for a week, and gives me a prescription for some eardrops to make sure it doesn't get infected, which could be bad. I haven't thrown out the Q-tips, and I won't, but I'll be more careful in handing them to my 2 year old!!!


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