So, Cohen is getting better and better at singing his ABC's, and the way he sings the end is so funny and cute, I'd better write it down!!

First, he ALWAYS forgets H I J. . .so if he is singing on his own it goes something like this:

"A B C D E F G. . .X Y Z" and on to the end.

If you help him remember H I J, he can sing the whole thing all the way through. I don't know what gets him hung up right there, but he does it every time.

Also, then ending goes either like this:

"Now I know my ABC's, now I know my ABC's."

or like this: (sung in the right rhythm. . .)

"Know my ABCDE's, Know my ABCDE's."

He's getting so smart. From watching The Letter Factory, he knows all of the letter sounds, but not their names. I guess thats better for learning to read though, right? So it usually goes something like this:

I show him the letter D and say "What letter is this?" and he says "Dog". We're working on letter names, and he's getting better at it all the time.


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