So, I've realized that my posts are really boring, and I'm trying to get over it, honestly who will ever want to read this stuff? Probably just me years from now. Anyhow, I just have a few things to write about so that when I am reading this years from now, I'll remember when and how stuff happened in my childrens lives. . .

Cohen started using the potty!!! He went in it for the first time last Sunday, twice, and has gone a few times since as well!! He's not always interested in going, but when he's already naked and in the bath, he'll get out and go. I don't know where the happy medium is because now when I try and get him to go in the potty, once he has his pants off he wants to take a bath!! Now, taking a bath AND going potty takes ALOT more of my time than simply going potty does, so I don't know if I can only encourage the potty training when I have enough time to let him take a bath, or if I'll be able to distract him away from the bath after the potty-going with some delicious candy or stickers or something. The first time he went, Jared dumped the pee in the sink. . .forgetting that Cohen is the ultimate copy-cat (oh yea, and that it was THE SINK!!!). I come back in the bathroom a few minutes later to find Cohen attempting to dump another pot full of pee into the sink all by himself!!! Wow, what a good kid, hu?!!! AAAHHHH!!!! Thank goodness for Clorox disinfecting wipes, hu?! So, now we dump the pee in the toilet. S-M-R-T, I am so smart. . .

Evan is getting really close to crawling. He's pushing backwards with his arms, and if you pull his legs up underneath him he'll at least be up on all fours for a few seconds. I really need to take some pictures of his chubby little legs before he loses them. I measured them the other day, and they are 30 centimeters around. . .Cohens are only 28!! I've always said that Evans were bigger, but I wasn't sure if they actually were or if they just looked bigger because he's shorter. Nope, they are actually bigger! He's so cute though. People are always commenting on how beautiful his eyes are, strangers at the park, at the store, anywhere. He really is a beautiful baby.


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