
Cohen Loves Broccoli!!!

Cohen has this funny little antic that we find ourselves repeating and laughing at every day. Instead of saying 'yes' to things, he says 'OK' in this cutest little voice. . .and it doesn't always fit the question you've asked or the affirmation you are looking for. For example: he asks for something, you don't quite understand so you repeat what you think he's asked for, if you are correct he says 'OK'. . .like "Cacker." "You want a cracker?" "OK". . .like you were the one who had suggested it in the first place and he was merely going along with your suggestion. Also when you ask an actual yes/no question. . ."Are you poopy?" "OK". . .what?!! So funny!!

So the best news is that Evan started crawling!!! He's not a pro yet, still a beginner, but he's deciding to go somewhere, and then slowly making his way!! What an exciting day for a tired, but more buff mother! (He weighs 23 1/2 lbs already by the way) So, he's been close to crawling for a few weeks now, going from sitting to being on all fours, but he either has just pushed himself back onto his bum, or has given up and flopped onto his belly where he DOESN'T like to be. We've tried a few different motivators, cheese, toys, crackers, etc. but nothing has motivated him quite enough to get moving. A few days ago I was sitting with him at the kitchen table and he was reaching for Riley's dog food a few feet away. Now, anybody who knows me just has to deal with the disgusting fact that I don't freak out when my kids eat dog food. . .deal with it. So I finally put 2 and 2 together and pick up the dog dish and the baby and take them to the living room. I put baby at one end, dog food at the other, and a few short minutes later have taught my baby to crawl!! Just like that!! A bowl of dog food teaches my son to crawl!! But here's the catch, it's sort of lop-sided, kinda gimpy. He rolls forward from sitting and gets on both hands, but on his right knee and left foot. That foot does all of the forward motion, and the knee leg sort of just drags behind. At least it's really cute, right?! So he's crawling more and more every day and we'll see what develops from this one leg/one knee approach he's taken. Maybe he'll lose all of the fat in his left leg, and keep it all in his right. That would be tragic.

This is Evan after he 'tasted' an easter egg!!

Saturday we were outside mowing the lawn and doing lots of yard work. Cohen insisted on helping me push the lawnmower, which was really cute but slowed my progress a bit. But who am I to stop a boy from wanting to learn to mow the lawn? After all, he's going to be doing it all by himself sooner or later, so I might as well let him do it while he wants to, right?

So, for documentation purposes I need to write this down so we'll always remember. Cohen says "Eh-an" for Evan. It took me a while to figure out he was saying Evan because it would come in the middle of some other unintelligible babble, but once I figured out thats what he was saying, I've realized that he actually says it quite a bit! He's doing his best at learning to be nice, and not hit, or bite, or kick, or push, and some days are harder than others, but he's a good big brother.

We went to Jace's 2nd birthday party last week.

Cohen is such a stud at sports!!! I mean honestly!!

1 Comment:

  1. Emily said...
    I just found your blog through Lisa and I will be visiting often! I love blogging as a way of journaling as well as keeping in touch. Both are so hard to do with kids. And yours are so cute - I love the "OK" phase. My nephew going through it too and gets a lot of things from Grandma because he knows she doesn't always understand but will check to make sure she heard right instead of saying no, and then he thinks it's must be her idea to eat more ice cream. So, "OK!"

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