Some Funny Stories

So I need to write these down before I forget them.

A few weeks ago, Jared and the boys were sitting on the kitchen floor playing with each other, just making funny sounds and faces and such, and Evan would crack up at Cohen when he would do something, and then when Jared would do something funny, Evan would look at him like he was crazy, and then look back at Cohen to do something funny! It was hilarious to watch this little baby think his big brother was the coolest, and think his dad was a nerd!!

Cohen gives a mean zerbert!! Man!! The other day I was blowing raspberries on Evans tummy, and of course that looks interesting and fun to a 2 year old, so he comes over and joins in on the fun. I don't know how he was doing it, but he was giving the best ones I've heard in a long time. Nice and low and gross. Jared and I were laughing so hard! It's just like a boy to know how to make gross sounds right away, isn't it?!!

We had the annual Easter Egg Hunt in Grandma's back yard last Saturday. Josie brought some plastic eggs that were shaped like footballs, soccer balls, and baseballs. Cohen found one of the footballs, picked it up, yelled, “Hike”, sat it on the ground and with a resounding kick sent candy eggs scattering all over the yard. What a cute kid.

Cohen had his first real phone conversation today with Grandma Ward. He usually just listens to the other person talk and he smiles, and I've gotten him to 'roar' at them a time or two, but today he was actually talking back to Grandma and didn't want to give the phone back to me!! It was so cute! He kept the phone for a good 2 minutes before he finally got distracted by Riley barking at the neighbors to give the phone back to me. Every time I had tried to take it back or tell him it was my turn, he backed farther away from me and said "Mine!" or "My turn!" He's growing up so fast.


  1. Lisa said...
    Cute blog, Nattles! It will be fun to keep up with you this way. That's hilarious that Evan thinks Cohen is so much funnier than Jared. Sawyer thinks his dad is hilarious and I am just boring old mom most of the time.
    The Boothes said...
    Listen you my think that no one reads these things but Natalie, when you have nothing else to do all day, well you read blogs. HA HA> Love you guys.

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