Happy Monday Morning

This is not a joke:

12:30am - Cohen coughs so hard he barfs in bed (in MY bed because Jared is out of town).  We get up, start some laundry, have a bowl of cereal, go back to bed. 

2:30am - Cohen coughs so hard he barfs in my bed AGAIN.  We get up, clean it all up, start another load of laundry, I turn on a show for Cohen to get him tired again and at 4am he wakes me up and asks if I can change it to a new show.  He's still awake watching TV.  Ha!  I turn it off and he falls asleep on the couch. 

9am - Baby Will has the blowout of the century (in MY bed because we woke up at 6 to nurse and we both fell asleep), so I start a 3rd batch of laundry with my last remaining bedding.  At least it's all clean now!!!

10am - Cohen spills a FULL bowl of Frosted Flakes all over him and the rug that's close to him.  Milk and soggy cereal EVERYWHERE.  I decide to just keep up the trend and start another load of laundry.  Might as well wash the other rug in the kitchen too because it got drawn on with marker last week.  Just as I'm starting that load, the baby (who is all clean and dressed after his bath earlier) chokes himself on the thing he's playing with and barfs all over his clothes.  Luckily the washing machine was still filling up so those clothes just get thrown in. . .HAPPY MONDAY TO ME!!!!


  1. Lisa said...
    Sounds like you're a mom. You have my sympathy!
    jamesrivergirl said...
    Oh yuck. Happy motherhood. And, what if we didn't have a washer and dryer?!

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