Halloween 2010

 My 2 nieces Makenzie and Katrisa both ran in the State Cross Country Meet this year.  
Makenzie had a rematch race with Cohen and Evan to see if they could still run faster than her, like last year.  Looks like she still needs to work on her speed. . .
 This is what you do with a baby who gets a hold of his own bowl of baby-food-mushy-goo and dumps it all down inside the seat of his booster seat.
 Big shoes to fill. . .

 Spiderman. . .

Robin. . .again. . .he wouldn't wear Cohen's Batman costume from last year so that we'd have a 'Spiderman, Batman, and Superman' thing, of course.  So we ended up with a 'Spiderman, Robin, and Superman' thing.  Still all super-heros, but not quite the same!!
Yup. . .this is the only picture of the 3 of them together.  Go figure.  Nice muscles Cohen.

We carved pumpkins for FHE the Monday before Halloween.  With Halloween being almost a whole week away from that, they were pretty much soggy, toothless-looking-old-men by the time Halloween rolled around!  Ha!  But isn't Baby Will the cutest thing ever?!!

I came up with this at the last minute.  I don't know if it makes anybody else laugh, but it made me laugh!!  
(I really had NO faith that we'd ever find anything worthwhile to do with that deer rack that was just taking up space on our garage shelves, but my faith has been restored.)

Hey Spiderman!!  No hands!!!

Go Robin!!  Lick it to death!!!

 Baby Evan enjoying a cupcake from the cake-walk. . .YUM

Take a close look. . .this is what happens when you let your kid wear the same costume 3 years in a row. . .Looks uncomfortable to me, but to each his own I guess.

1 Comment:

  1. Emily said...
    Ya. I think I commented for this post on your summer post. Sorry. Kinda slow on the technology front sometimes.

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