I guess this is the pose I get when I tell Cohen to sit next to Evan and smile, right?!!
Cohen bringing back hoards of candy. . .aahhhh Taffy. . .perhaps you shall be my 'potty-training-motivator'. . .

Evan LOVED all of the music, he would stand up and jam every time a band or dance group came by. He even danced to the bagpipes!!!
It's never too soon to start in on that huge bag of candy.

After the parade we went to the carnival at West Bountiful Park. It was a lot of fun with a lot of free activities for the kids!!! Yay FREE!!!! There were also some bounce-house things that cost $, so we did spend a few dollars, but not many!!!
Cohen wanted to get his face painted so we waited in the long line, and of course he wanted to be a tiger. The squiggly lines around his face are supposed to be a hair-line, not messed up tiger-stripes for those of you who maybe couldn't figure it out!!!
Evan got to be a tiger too, more of the baby version I guess. By the time I got my camera out of the car to take pictures Evan had HAD IT!! Plus he had wiped off most of the orange coloring. But he's still cute, even when he's screaming in the sand at his mother to pick him up, and all she does is take his picture, right?!!
Soooo sleepy. . .


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