Memorial Day, 2009

So, it's Memorial Day, and I just feel like blogging.  I don't know that I even have anything exciting to say.  Jared's been out of town for a few days, Hawaii from Friday morning to Sunday morning, and then he left for Nauvoo Sunday afternoon!!  He came home for church and a nap and then we had to drive him right back to the airport.  He'll come back from Nauvoo tomorrow, but I don't know if he's even coming home before driving up to Idaho for 2 days.  Three trips in one week!!!  Crazy!  Anyhow, he wasn't here today, and I was all bummed out  because it's a holiday, and it should be an extra day off, right? Ha!!  But luckily last night my little spanish friend Luz called me and asked if I wanted to walk in the Woods Cross 5K with her this morning.  I had wanted to run it, but I got this awful cold at the end of last week, so I didn't want to run it and just cough and cough and cough the whole way through, and I didn't want to go by myself, so I had decided not to do it.  Anyhow, Luz called and I was so happy to have someone to go with.  So we got up early and were there by 6:55 and the boys had their blankies and sippies and a granola bar, so they were all set.  We walked, and Luz is short, so we didn't walk fast, and we finished in 51 minutes.  (Last year when I ran with Raymond and Jared I made it in 30 min 36 sec.  That doesn't have anything to do with this other than I wanted you all to know that I've run a 5K in a not shabby time.)  After the race, they had a little Memorial Day presentation and a breakfast which is free if you do the race.  They had a little Fish Pond with lots of lame prizes, and a Helicopter came and landed in the baseball field so all the kids could check out the inside.  It was a lot of fun.  I really like it because of the 'small town feel' ya know?!  There's lots of people there that you know, and nothing super fancy.  It was a lot of fun.  I'm really glad that we went and did that, because that made me not mope around all day!!  I'm so thankful for Luz!  She always calls at the right time, right when I need someone to talk to.  Anyhow, the rest of the day was just normal, and Cohen got to play outside with Connor for an hour or so, and then when we came in, we decided to have a Peanut Butter Sandwich Picnic in the backyard for dinner!  The weather was perfect, and after dinner the boys wanted to swim.  It's still a little chilly for hose water, but we this awesome/weird Hot Water faucet in our backyard, so I just filled their little pool with some hot water and some cold water, and they had their own little hot tub going on!!!  Pretty fancy, eh?!  Anyhow, its been a great day, even though Jared was gone.  I still would rather have had him here of course, but I'm thankful that the Lord is watching out for me, and helps me have a great day, when I was determined to be bitter and have a bad one!!

Pretty sweet set-up, eh?!

This was from a few days before, when Evan had gotten in the pool in all of his clothes, which I then took off of him and he enjoyed the water NEKID!!!  Ah, the luxuries of being a kid. . .


  1. Anonymous said...
    Sooo glad it turned out fun! I didn't know you'd runa 5k-way to go! I'd like to get back to doing races...maybe after this baby. :) By the way, we told our new friends here the toher day about Justin & your "date" at the hash house...thought you'd get a kick outta that! Miss ya!
    The Wiser Side said...
    Sad that I missed your call yesterday. Can't believe how busy they are keeping Jared-glad you made lemonade out of your lemons!

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