So, here's yet another post about Cohens prayers. He loves saying the dinner prayer, and is even starting to bless things, rather than just babble about his day. He blesses each of us, usually more than once, he ALWAYS says something about 'playing with the kids', I don't know if he is praying to play with some kids, or if he's thanking Heavenly Father for being able to play with some kids, anyways, and then he has started scanning the table and blessing each of the food items and other things on the table, like the drinks, the chicken (any meat is chicken), sometimes the plates, you get the idea.

So, the other night the prayer starts out normal. . .
Dear Heanly Fahder, bless a mommy, a daddy, a mommy, a Evan, a mommy (no joke, I got blessed 3 times!!! Maybe I need it!!). . .
Bless da food good taste (we'll just hope this is more of a courtesy, than a reflection on it's usual flavor)
and then the table scanning begins
(rattled off quickly) bless a drink, a lettuce, a potato, a chicken. . . a. . . (long pause) and he gets this confused look on his face (yes, I'm always peeking at him saying the prayer because his face is so funny while he tries to keep his eyes closed) I can tell he's looking at the Sour Cream container, and this must be the view he has of it
because he scrunches up his nose and says "a. . .what IS that????. . . Is that. . . POOP???!!!"

Needless to say, Jared and I lose it and laugh until we cry. . .I mean, if thats what he thought it was, you can understand why he looked so confused. Can you imagine the thought process in his little head? "Why on earth would my mom put a jar of that stuff on the dinner table?!"

Ahhh. . .Good times :)


  1. Katri said...
    That's great!! Evan and I were laughing so hard my stomach hurt!!
    jamesrivergirl said...
    I'm laughing so hard all you can hear is wheezing.

    Aaah, now that I've recovered, that reminds me of a prayer Luke gave when he was scanning the table and he said, "and please bless the onions. I don't want any, but the grown-ups do." But, that's nothing compared to your story.
    Anonymous said...
    I'm dying laughing over here...oh man!!! That's way too cute! SOphie's prayers are wlays the same, "Dear Hevnly Fahder, thank for dis day, thank thee for dis food, please bless it...uh, we need, bless our..., JEsus Christ, Amen." That's for every prayer, byt the way. Love ya!

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