Before I get started, let me just say that JARED IS 30 TODAY!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! Ok, so I'm only 10 weeks behind him, but for the next ten weeks, he's in his 30's and I'm still in my 20's!! He's in Navuoo today, and I really wish I could be with him there. I wanted to make a big fuss and have a big party, but alas, he is out of town for his birthday, AGAIN!! I really love him a lot and miss him terribly. He's such a great husband and an awesome dad. I'm really happy (and jealous) that he is where he is, I only wish I could be with him. So, instead of a party, he just got a few mushy texts from me, and a box of snacks that went to Palmyra because he was supposed to be there for a few more days. . .and so the box is in New York and he's in Nauvoo. . .go figure. I love you Jared!!!! Happy Birthday!!!

So, I haven't posted in a few weeks, and a hundred things have happened that I've thought to myself "Write about that next time you blog. . ." and of course I've forgotten all of it!! Oh well, let me just upload some pictures and we'll have a nice little 'lets have lots of pictures and not too many words' post. . .because we've had some fun, but nothing that makes a real good story, you know. . .

This is at the 4th of July parade in Centerville. It was supposed to be the hottest day of the year, up to 110 or something outrageous, but there were lots of clouds, and it was still hot, but not 'it's so hot, who cares about a parade, lets go home' kind of hot. The kids loved it and Evan was a perfectly sticky dirty mess by the end of it. Oh, and the laundry needed to be done, so this was our best attempt at patriotic clothing as well. . .
The other kids in the picture are Cohens best friend Janessa, and Jessie's cousins boy Taylor who we go swimming with.

This is my favorite picture from the parade. . .so patriotic don't you think? You can just see how passionate Cohen is about waving that American Flag. Funny!

After the parade they had a little carnival with those blow-up slides and stuff. Janessa was too chicken to go, so Jessie and Jim pushed Evan around in his stroller while Cohen and I went through this little obstacle course a few times. It was FUN!! Cohen needed me to help him the first few times, but then crawled right up this thing on his own after that!

Here we are about to go down the big slide at the end. . .

Later that day we went to my moms for a BBQ before going to Rob and Josie's for fireworks. You'll notice that all of our 'red,white, and blue' clothing must have gone in the laundry because it all got so sticky and gross at the parade. The best we could do after that was camo. . .patriotic in a different way, right? Evan's shirt has one little stripe of camo on it, so it counts!!

Here's a video of Cohen and Evan jumping at Grandma's house. It's cute, and funny. . .poor little Evan. . .

Here's the boys all ready for church on Sunday. So cute. Some of you may be wondering "Hey, didn't we see Cohen in that outfit that Evan is wearing just like. . .3 months ago?" Well friends, the answer is yes. . .Evan is a tubber. . .and thats not a real word but you get exactly what I mean.

This is the Hamper Monster. . .one of our favorite pastimes lately.

1 Comment:

  1. The Wiser Side said...
    Our fav was the trampoline video!

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