Fathers Day

So, last Sunday was Fathers Day and Cohen ended up giving Jared the best gift. It was awesome. A little background: on Mothers Day during sacrament meeting, all of the primary kids went up to the front and sang their little mothers day tribute. Cohen was fascinated, and when they were all walking back down to their seats he kept saying "My turn? My turn?" He got really upset that we wouldn't let him go up there, and I think we even ended up taking him out in the foyer because he was so mad. Anyhow, come sacrament meeting on Fathers Day. . .and the primary kids start filing their way up to the front again, which catches Cohen's attention and I can see that he wants to follow them. Well, he is such a copycat nowadays, especially of older kids, so I just knew that he'd go up there and do what everybody else was doing. So I ask him if he wants to go up there with them and he says "Uh-huh." Mind you, he's not quite 2 1/2 yet, and he won't actually go to Sunbeams until he's almost 4 because he has a February birthday. So, I scoot him out of the bench, and he follows all of the kids up there. Our ward has the biggest primary ever, so nobody really knows everybody, so one of the leaders sees that he's the shortest person up there and helps scooch him up to the very front. Perfect!! They start singing, and Cohen looks around and sees that everybody is singing, and he starts singing along!! For both songs!! I wish I had a picture or a video of his little face up there, it was priceless! You would have never known that he wasn't supposed to be up there because he was singing probably more than the real sunbeams!! We didn't run into any trouble until it was time to come down from the stand. All the kids start filing down, and I hope that he'll once again just follow the crowd. He starts to, but then realizes that they are all leaving and decides that he's not quite ready to go down yet. He turns the other way, discovers the little step stool thats there for kids to give their testimonies and pushes it back right next to the bishop and climbs up and sits down!! He was just going to sit up on the stand as the 3rd counselor for the rest of the meeting! Jared had to go get him of course, and one of the primary leaders sees him, picks him up and hands him to Jared. Jared had to walk straight out into the hall because Cohen started screaming. It was so funny! And priceless!! Honestly I would give almost anything to have a picture of it.


  1. The Wiser Side said...
    Now that is a classic story! So are you going to do a repeat?
    Lisa said...
    What a great story! I bet he looked so cute up there.

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