William Logan Haddock

Our baby has arrived!!! William Logan Haddock was born on April 2nd, 2010 at 5:08 am! That was exactly 2 weeks early and he was 8 lbs. 9 oz.!! 21 inches long, and he has a lot of dark hair around the back of his head, but it's a little sparse on top. We think he'll have blue eyes like the rest of us, and we think he looks more like Cohen than Evan. He is so cute!!! Welcome to our family Will, we love you!

I'd been talking for months about how I didn't want him to be born on April 1st. Any time but April 1st!! I also had students paid through the end of March, so I wanted to give everybody their final lessons before taking some time off. So, for a long time, I've been saying that April 2nd would be the first day I would want him to be born. I didn't expect it to really happen that way!!

I started having contractions around bedtime on April 1st, but nothing that I hadn't had before. We went to sleep, and I woke up at 12:30 and again at 1:30 with harder contractions, but I was still able to go back to sleep. I woke up at 2:30 and they were really getting painful. I waited a little bit to wake up Jared, but I finally woke him up around 3 and we started packing a bag just in case. I didn't want to call my mom and go to the hospital in the middle of the night, only to be sent home, so I wanted to wait until I was sure this was it. Jared called my mom at about 3:15, and she got here just after 3:30. I was really having hard contractions by this point, like as hard as when I'd asked for my epidural with the other boys. We got in the truck and drove down to LDS hospital, and got there just after 4 am. We got up to Labor and Delivery at exactly 4:11, they sent us right to a room without really checking in because they could see I was really in the thick of it. I got into my hospital gown and onto the bed, and when she checked me I was already at a 6 1/2!!!! My midwife got there about 20 minutes later, and I was complete, ready to push! My body just knows how to have a baby I guess!!

I had planned on trying to go natural, and in hindsight, I think it's a good thing I was mentally prepared for that because I don't think I would have had time for an epidural even if I had wanted it!!

So, I pushed through about 6 or 7 contractions, the first of which were probably pretty ineffective because I could hardly breathe in, let alone breathe big and then push. . .anyhow, I finally told myself that if I could just breathe, he probably would come right out, and he did!!!

The whole thing was pretty intense, but thankfully it went by really fast!

So, I had tested positive for the Strep B virus, which is common in women but could pose a problem for the baby, so they want you to be on an antibiotic for 4 hours before the baby is delivered. Needless to say I only got about 20 minutes of the antibiotic before he was born, so they go on alert because of that. Then he was grunting with each breath, which Cohen did his first day too, but they say that can be a sign that he's having trouble breathing, so they go on higher alert because of that. Then they check his temperature and it's a little low, he's still not 30 minutes old - give the kid a chance!!!, so they go on higher alert because of that!!! Then they take his blood, and find that his glucose level is low, and they admit him to the "Special Care Nursery," basically the NICU. WHAT?!!! None of these things pose a real threat by themselves, but because he had four marks against him, they took him in there for 48 hours of anti-biotic for the possible Strep B, and glucose in an IV to raise his levels there, and put him under a heat lamp. . .blah blah blah. I have mixed feelings about it. . .I'm glad he was getting good care, but he did not need to be in there. He had just been born!!! Of course he was still adjusting!!! Give the kid a minute will you?!! I wish I hadn't let them take him so soon for the blood test, but you just assume that everything is fine, and he'll be back in your arms in 10 minutes. I wish I had just kept him with me and told them to hold off on the testing for an hour or two. I wonder if that would have made a difference. His temperature leveled out quickly, his glucose came right up, and probably would have done the same if they had let me nurse him, his breathing stayed grunty most of that first day, but we've been through that before, and his labs on the Strep B all came back clear as a bell!!! AAAHHHHH!!! It makes me frustrated to think about it.

Anyhow, he spent 48 hours in there, and I was never scared, just annoyed that he couldn't be in my room, and that Cohen and Evan couldn't come visit him in the hospital. Cohen was so sad that he couldn't see baby Will, he started crying when they left that first time. The second day, Will's nurse held him up to the window for them to see, but what kind of introduction is that?!!

Here's the boys enjoying my hospital bed!!! Laying in bed, watching a movie, eating cookies and having free drinks. . .what could be better than that?!!

So our hospital stay wasn't any longer than normal, but we probably would have come home on Saturday afternoon instead of staying all the way until Sunday. He's perfectly healthy and strong, and he's super cute!!


  1. Amelia said...
    Congratulations you guys!! He is so handsome - glad he came on the 2nd! I love the picture of the boys in your hospital bed!
    Katri said...
    He is super cute! Congratulations!! I can't believe you're a mother of three. Way to go.
    Montana Brandts said...
    Congratulations! He is so cute! I'm sorry the hospital was such a stink over his first 48 hours, but I am glad he's okay and everything worked out. Way to go natural too, that is impressive! He really is such a cutie, can't wait to meet him!
    Stacey said...
    Congratulations!! That is so funny that we were at the same hospital at the same time...we left Friday night. Will is really cute. That will be fun having little friends just a day apart in age.
    Stacey said...
    Congratulations! That is so funny that we were at the same hospital at the same time..we left that Friday night. Will is really cute! That will be fun having our boys just a day apart in age!
    Anonymous said...
    So glad to hear all about it & see the ceautiful pictures. Love them! Will looks like he has your mouth & Jared's nose. It'll be interesting to see. Ya know, SOphie didn't get to see Ryan until after he came home, because of the swine flu virus scare. So, at elast the boys got to come to the hospital to see you & kind of see Will! Glad you're well! I'll call ya soon!
    The Wiser Side said...
    Congrats! Love the brothers pic. What a cutie-and you are looking good Nat!
    Unknown said...
    He is so cute, I am so happy he is here for you... You must have been rubbing those pressure points faithfully... Congratulations...
    Britt said...
    wahooO!! now, i just need to come up with a daughter to get him married off to in a few years!

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