Cohen's Primary Spotlight

Cohen got spotlighted in Primary last Sunday, and here are his answers to the questionnaire, which I helped him fill out at the end of January:

1. What is your favorite Holiday?
- Christmas and my Birthday

2. What is your favorite Book or Toy?
- Lots of different dinosaur toys.

3. What is a pet you have or want?
- A dog named Riley.

4. Where would you like to serve a mission?
- The Zoo.

5. What do you want to be when you grow up?
- A train conductor and an airplane conductor.

6. What is something you love about your family?
- Mom and Dad and Evan and the baby and my dog.

7. What is your favorite scripture story?
- Jesus.

I happened to be substituting for another woman that day, so I got to see him get spotlighted. They have all of the kids stand up, and then they read each question and answer, and if what they say doesn't apply to you, you're supposed to sit down until only one person is left. It doesn't always work so well in Junior Primary because kids stand back up if they hear something they do like, even if it wasn't their answer, it's funny. As she was reading along, Cohen was standing up, but not paying much attention, and she reads "I have dog named Riley" and he snaps-to, jumps up and down saying, "My dog is named Riley!! My dog is named Riley!!" So he went up to the front while she read the rest of his answers, and he got a special pillow-case from the Primary. It was really cute to see him up there.


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