I want to remember some of these things about my kids, because they happen every day, and every day I look at them and say, "I'll remember this moment" or "I'll remember them acting this way or doing that cute thing" but the truth is, I won't. We forget so fast. So, I want to write some stuff down so I WILL remember!!

Evan still isn't talking much. He CAN say a lot of things, but the only words he uses to communicate are "Maaaa" and "No!" He can say (or make some sort of relevant but consistent noise) for a lot of animal sounds, as well as Star, Choo-Choo, Elbow, Purple, Papa, and a few others. He has to really be in the mood to imitate sounds and words, but when he's in the mood, he does a great job. I think he's just observing the world and is going to start talking all at once sometime in the next few months. He actually communicates very well for how little he speaks, by pointing and grunting of course, and he's very reasonable if you are patient with him and take a second to figure out what it is that he wants. He does get frustrated easier than Cohen ever did, but he's (knock on wood) passed through the worst part of his terrible-two's it seems. He was throwing a lot of tantrums, and they seem to be less and less. He’s also very loving. He is a good cuddler and will give you a hug and a kiss anytime you ask for one. He gets so excited when Jared comes home, and runs to give him a hug and a kiss. It’s so cute!!

Jared took Cohen to All-A-Dollar to get me a birthday present on my birthday last week. He tried to take him to the girly stuff like brushes and lotion, but Cohen didn't want to give me that boring stuff for my birthday. He went over to the toy section and proceded to pick me out some match-box cars, some Cars themed cardboard airplanes, and best of all, a wrestle-mania man complete with blue mask, bare chest, blue stretch-pants and silver lace-up boots!! Oh yes!! I LOVED it!! He was so excited to get these things for me. At the store, Jared said he kept saying stuff like “Oh, mom is going to love this!” and “Dad, can I get this for mom? It’s awesome! She’s going to love it!” And I did! They brought it all home in a sports themed gift bag, and Cohen proceeded to pull each item out and show it to me and ask me “Do you love it?” It was perfect.

Jared got the Wii Sports II game, and Cohen loves to play the ‘swording’ game. He’s too good at it for only being 3 ½ but he loves to play and wins most of the time! He just stands in front of the TV and swings that Wii Remote back and forth as fast as he can, but this seems to be a decent strategy, because he’s dang good!! He can control it well enough to play a lot of games and I’m already fretting about the arguments we’ll have over the years about how many hours of video-games he can play.


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