"You Da Man, Mom"

So here's a funny little story.  A few days ago I was sitting at the table feeding Evan (a common occurrence here at our house, but not the subject of this post. . .) and Cohen climbs up behind me on my chair.  I was wearing a hat and he starts teasing me and pulling it off of my head and putting it on him, and then back on me again etc.  After a minute of this, he puts the hat back on my head and says, "You da man mom, you da man!!!"  I started laughing and asked him, "Did you just say 'you're the man?!'" and he says, "Yep, you da man!"  It was so funny I had to call Jared right away. Where did he pick that up?  I don't know!!  

We had a wonderful Christmas!!  Oma and Papa and Kelli came for most of the week, and we had fun just relaxing and hanging out with them.  The boys got a ton of stuff, and as a matter of fact, they still haven't opened their stockings yet!!  I don't even remember what we put in there!!  Just dollar-store items, but still.  Oma and Papa got the boys really nice snow-suits in sizes that are too big, which is perfect because then they will last a few extra years!!!  They also got Cohen a LeapFrog Leapster game system which I was really excited about.  His first official video-game system, but at least it's educational, right?!  I would have never bought something like that on my own, I'm too cheap, but I'm really excited to own one.  We got a ton of kid-sized games, which we didn't really have any of before, and we're finally getting to a point in our lives where we need those kinds of things.  They got a Lightning McQueen race track from daddy, and a lot of matchbox cars as well.  I got my $10.49 crockpot (thats a good story too) and Jared got me a flat-panel monitor for my computer. Yay!!  He also replaced the keyless remote to the Subaru for me!!  Yipee!!  Now I won't lock my keys or my kids in the car anymore because I will be used to locking the door from afar, and not the old-fashioned way.  It was a great Christmas!!!
I'll get some pictures up soon. . .

1 Comment:

  1. Britt said...
    you ARE da man. for reals. :)

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