
The most exciting thing in my life lately is that I've lost 7 lbs since Jan 1st!!!! I have never been on a regular exercise schedule ever before in my life, and I've walked/ran on the treadmill every morning except sundays since the first of the year. Thats saying a lot for me, because I don't really like to sweat. I can powerwalk forever, but I don't really like to run. So, I've been pushing myself to do it everyday, and on January 1st, I could only actually run for 2 1/2 minutes without dying, and now I'm up to at least 10 minutes a day!!! I mean, I'm on the treadmill for at least 20 minutes, but thats as long as I could actually RUN. pathetic, hu?! But I'm going to run a 5K sometime this spring, so I want to be able to run the whole thing. Too bad all the weight that Evan is gaining isn't weight that I'm losing!! Why do I have to work at it?! I've also sworn off sugar (mostly), and am being A LOT more careful about what I eat. I'm not counting calories or measuring my portions or anything, but I'm trying to eat smaller portions in general, and a good variety. I guess it's working, at least the scale says it is!! My skinny jeans are still another 10 pounds away probably, but I'll get there.
A week or so ago, we were driving somewhere in the car, and Cohen fell asleep in his carseat. Out of the blue he starts to giggle at something really funny, and we turn around, and he's still asleep!!! It was so cute! Laughing in his sleep!! We tried to get him to do it again, but he was off somewhere else in dreamland because he just went on sleeping. It was so funny.

Evan loves to watch Cohen play, and loves to have Cohen make him laugh. They were in the bath together the other day, and were both just laughing their little heads off at each other. Evan sits in this little bath seat to help him not fall over, and Cohen thinks he needs something fancy to sit in as well, so I put the baby bathtub in the big bathtub, and Cohen sits in it like a little boat.
Cohen is saying a lot of words now. He's finally copying a lot of words too. Not that he understands what he's saying always, but he's good at copying the sounds you make. His favorite thing to do is watch movies. . .sigh. . .I do my best to limit the amount of TV and movies he watches every day, and I do pretty well, but sometimes I just need him to be entertained by something besides me!!! He loves 'Finding Nemo' and 'Cars', and he loves Elmo and Sesame Street too. It's hard to tell if he wants to watch Nemo or Elmo, because they both just sound like 'momo'. He loves to try and scare you by 'roar'ing at you. He crawls around on the floor and whispers 'roar, roar, roar' and then he comes up close to you and does a big 'ROAR' and of course expects you to be terribly frightened by it. He could play this game all day long!! It's really cute. He likes to sing action songs like 'Itsy-Bitsy Spider' and 'Patty Cake', well he likes ME to sing them, and he likes to do the actions with me. His favorites are to "WASH the spider out" and "mark it with a B".
I got the "Once Upon A Potty" book at the library, and there are a few pages when the boy gets his new potty that say stuff like "Was it a hat? NO, it's not a hat! Was it a flowerpot? NO, it's not a flowerpot!" etc. So I had read the book to him a few times, and I catch him reading it to himself, turning the pages saying "blah blah blah? NOOOOOO!!!. . . blah blah blah? NOOOOOO!!!" (He doesn't really say blah, he just babbles whatever :)) So now we can ask him any question in that same tone of voice and he'll say 'NOOOOOO!!!' What a smarty-pants, already reading to himself!!!


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