Hmmm. . .the most exciting thing going on at our house is potty training. And it's not been that exciting. We've been at it for a good month now, and I think we're ALMOST there. Cohen just decides some days that he's got it, and some days he doesn't. I still mostly remind him to go every few hours, but as long as I do, we go most days without any pee-pee accidents. Poo on the other hand. . .aaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!!!! Poo we still have a hard time with. The thing is, he calls all of it poopy. . ."Moooom!!!!! I need a poopy!!!!" when he really just needs to pee. And this is the phrase he uses wheather he does indeed need to pee, or if he has already peed. So sometimes I get excited that he's telling me he needs to go, only to discover that he's already gone. But we're saving lots of money on diapers!!!
I don't know where he picked this up, at the excercise class I go to or at nursury, I don't know but Cohen's new favorite phrase is "Nanny-nanny-boo-boo!" He even puts his hands up by his face and wiggles them around. He's not sticking out his tounge yet, but I can imagine thats coming soon. He'll just taunt Evan over and over. Good thing Evan doesn't quite get it, and doesn't quite care, so the taunting goes unrewarded I guess.
A few weeks ago Cohen found the lighter and holds it up to me and says, "Let's play with fire mom!!" Boys. . .it really is genetic, isn't it?
Evan is talking. . .a LITTLE bit. He's a quiet kid. I've even decided to take away his binkie except for sleeping time so that should he feel the urge to say something, at least he won't have the excuse of having something in his mouth, right? I guess it's a little early to get worried, but if it goes on much longer, I just might. He just grunts and points. But the grunting and pointing are working for him, so what reason does he have to start talking? I dont' know!
If I come up with anything more exciting to say, I'll update this boring post!!